I remember this photo in my Russian History textbook in high school...only couple of sentences about last Romanov Royal Family and this photo. I was looking at people on it - young girls, tsar, his German wife, son - all cold-
bloodedly killed in the tragic time of Russian history and asked questions to myself: why in our country we haven`t known about family of last Russian tsar for so long time (only in 1993 they started to write about them and public photos in History textbooks), how we could so easily forget about this tragedy - tragedy of history and tragedy of this family in particular...
Radzinsky is very famous writer and TV host in Russia. His books on Stalin, Nicholas II, Rasputin are bestsellers not only in our country but abroad as well...
Should admit that sometimes he is too much melodramatic in this book about last Russian tsar, sometimes not accurate with facts of history and documents when uses only those which match the story he is reconstructing for his reader..But with all that we should not forget that he writes not historical textbook or research work - it is sort of history novel .. Novel which was interesting but very hard to read - the more you follow author - the more depressing feeling of tragedy in last Royal Family carries you away...
It was very hard week - I spent it in Shikoku - checking Internet news and TV every 5 min. and seeing how more and more of my friends foreigners were leaving Japan...This book - especially chapters about Siberian exile of Royal Family even more aggravated depression feeling in this hard time....
But last Chapter finished in shinkansen heading back to Tokyo and tomorrow will be a new day - first working day after almost a week - and it seems all unpleasant thoughts and memories have already gone away with the last page of thebook...