Yeah.....this was unforgettable New Year as I happened to lost my id, mobile phone, moved into new apartment (and still have no Internet connection here) and honestly just didn`t prepare myself to celebration ... All I had to do is eating, watching movies, reading, sleeping ....
As for movie I borrowed "Mad Men" TV drama from TSUTAYA and it was really brilliant movie - stylish, with wonderful camera work, reconstruction of America of 60s in mere detail (interior, costumes) and just amazing actors and story line - human drama and movie about company and career-making at the same time, historical TV show - so much in it - I just had been watching one disc after another and slept for 3 hours a day...
And reading.. yes... I finally received this book from Amazon - my co-workers recommended to read it introducing it as "the basis of basis of User Interface"...
I read . And should say it was so light and enjoying reading I could never expected from Web and IT related book ..
When people talk about Web Design, Home Page making process they usually imagine all these cool buttons, images, flash staffs... But this surface components are no more than final stage of site developing works - before it there is new site strategy formulating, researching of what your users need (and who they are..your users) and what your company objectives are in this site.. Drawing structure document and wire frame - description of layout of all parts, and all steps (or "planes" as Mr. Garrett call them) ..
All these are developed from the User Experience point of view - the problem is not to put into the site as many fancy options and cool images as possible but to chose only those which would match "your user" needs and your own needs... Jesse James Garrett introduces in his book model of 5 Planes of User Interface Experience and describes each plane in so clear language that is is really enjoy to read this book even for those who never dealt with IT industry and home-page making..After reading you just look at all these web-pages in different way