First one is novel by Keiya Mizuno "An elephant who could make dreams come true" ("Yume wo kanaeru zou"). Actually, I read it last year - read in curry restaurant every day when I went to lunch at work. It is story full of fun and humour. It is not actually novel as literature , it is rather "how-to-do" book but author wrote"10 rules how to be successful" in the form of fiction novel with story, funny characters..Main character is poor Japanese salariman who just so tired of his everyday salariman life and want to be "big person", want to change everything in his life but doesn't know how..On one day sculpture of Ganesha - Hindu god with elephant head - which he brought from India, transformed into real elephant god (who speaks kansai dialect!) and Ganesha helps him by giving rules for success - one in every day (in one chapter).. "Polish you shoes", "Make donations in convenience store boxes" an many-many others...It was very positive book which just gave me energy to change everything one day.
TV drama, movie and even anime were made on the basis of this novel.

One more I finished yesterday. Ken`ichiro Yadokoro has been working as HR manager for many years and wrote a lot of books on recruitment and job finding. This book is for those who is changing job and are going to have interview. He writes about typical questions and typical mistakes of so-called "job hunters", gives tips and good information on what recruiters check , what they think to be important. Very simple and workable book. Especially for foreigners when they, like me, start to look for job in Japan, they believe they know everything as they graduated from good university in their own countries, studied abroad, speak excellent Japanese.....and so on...It was all about me..
I just thought I am smart enough to do everything by myself without all these tips and advice.
Believe, it is better to listen what people talk to you, especially if you are in country with very specific social traditions, habits and rules. It is very important to get as much useful info as possible before applying and going to interviews. If you make some mistakes and they refused, you will not be able to re-do everything again for the same company.
One day I went to Akihabara model store to look for a specific toy my Russian friend asked me to buy and I was absolutely amazed at what kind of craftsmanship they can reach in such hobbies. I mean there was a 2 meter stand for just doll's eyelashes - more than a 100 different types! And the clients who bought all of that weren't 10 year old girls - they were 40 year old men with obsessed looks on their faces! I was the only girl in the store! is like art..In Nakano they have small shops with doll figures and they sel sets of heads with about 20 face expressions....
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