The most dark anime of Studio Ghibli... Crying for the whole 2 hours of watching is guaranteed.
Very tearful story about war and children whose mother died during bombing and who have to live by themselves among world of adults...
More than cruelty of war you are shocked by cruelty of all those people surrounding two children. As for me, it is always really hard to watch the movies where suffering children is described...
I watched this anime 5 or so years ago and absolutely loved it. The sensitivity and sensibility of Japanese story-telling gives me goose bumps. The emotion that this anime raised in me is not an easy one but I wouldn't want to miss this experience if given another chance. The sympathy to the other human being no matter the circumstances is something that should live in all our hearts and that anime reminds us of just that.
yeah..it is very good movie.I heard about it and when I borrowed it I thought it about war and how bad when people fight and kill each other..But actually it was about how coldness and indefference of people around - not war enemies - may be much more cruel than any horror of war...And they were children..As Dostoevsky said «Никакие богатства мира не стоят слезы ребенка» - all this world peace, victory, economic progress mean nothing if children of the country are suffering
Did you see Hadashi no Gen? It's much more tearful movie.
No...Checking now.It is about Hiroshima bombing? Seems so..
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