Yeah...My 2-month training course finally finished, but I feel like everything has just begun! I entered Creative and Web design department..
Working with
truly "passionate professionals" make you study and improve your skills every day. Today I bought HTML Handbook and I am ready for the whole new world...he-he...a lot to study but i am so excited!

P.S. Angelina Jolie whispering me every day from the desktop of my PC always reminds me important thing necessary for building good relationships with people around me.
Great picture!! I love your new glasses! And you look so serious and so professional! ^-^ I hope you will enjoy working with creative geeks as much as I do! ^-^
P.S. Your Angelina is hot. I should do the same with Jude Law! ^-^
Thanx! it is just only look..but i am really enjoying every day with "creative geeeks" :)
and can u imagine, today i met girl who watched our program and studied russian - she watched it every week and finally went to St.Petersburg to study for 1 year....it is so pleasant to hear that what we do helped people or brought them positive emotions and interest to our country
How do you ever meet such people? I never ever met anyone who would watch it for the sake of studying Russian. But it's great to hear that somebody actually does study Russian..^-^ Actually, I was drinking now with a French friend who watched our show quite regularly and now she is going to be on NHK French show herself, how funny is that? Now, I'm going to watch her!
Так здорово, что ты меня нашел! Не знаю, как, но тем не менее:) Я долго пыталась что-нибудь про тебя выяснить. Говорили, что ты где-то в Йокогаме и ничего более. Рада, что у тебя все хорошо:)
Привет! Я тоже уже не помню, как я нашёл твой блог - читаю его вот уже месяц - и я рад, что у тебя тоже всё хорошо сложилось и что всё-таки "вернулась" сюда. И посты пишешь такие вдохновляющие!Последний - про нашу бедную студенческую жизнь - так вообще такой "нацукасий" :)
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