OK....After almost 6 months of hard working at my new Japanese company and total silence I decided to continue this blog (f** I almost forgot how to use all this Blogspot Dashbord :)
Yep...It is better to write something on weekly basis at least - just to continue train my brains to think in English and just to save some memories (it feels lately that time flies so fast....)
This week was full of music..Friend of mine introduced me TRAVIS (yes, I heard about them but never listened-shame on me - in place where I was born in Russia people thought you are crazy if you say you love Beatles ...). Travis was a bit monotonous for me...but I downloaded Florence and the Machine as well and she just blew my mind - she sounds for me like some Medieval witch...kinda of Margarita from Mikhail Bulgakov`s novel (I guess almost none knows it ) - some kind of magic in her singing (I listened to "Lungs" only though)
Not to say about Killers and Hurts - I downloaded all their albums 2 months ago and still keep listening

Photo above is one I found - it was taken 2 or even 3 years ago - I remember late night in Yoyogi Park - we were doing this shoot for some Japanese brand...forgot it`s name...cold, we were always hiding from park guard man- that`s all I remember
so...yes, only photos and writings remain. will keep writing....Sometimes I am afraid that months, years pass and nothing happened....
Hope it is not true....BTW should not forget to find desk chair...so lazy to go to Furniture Stores..the one I visited today (it was called something like Otsuka Furniture) has exactly what I need for price of JPY350,000......khhhh...keep looking for...hope I will find something good and cheap
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