Liked: Sigourney Weaver, who was at the beginning of this sort of movies starring in "Alien", was offered to play blue monster in this movie in 2009 - liked the fact itself. Liked main heroine - her facial expressions and gestures are truly alive (beautiful and wild - Pocahontas of SF movie as my friend said). Also monsters appearing in this film are something - each of them is mixture of animal, bird and exotic insect in one...
Didn't like: but if you imagine it all played by old clay monsters of 80s, you`ll find that the plot itself is very typical, very-very typical for Hollywood movies (I think TITANIC by the same director James Cameron made viewers feel more strong feelings and made think more, than his new work).
Nevertheless, remember - don`t kill fluorescent insects - they may be sacred spirits!

Yeah, the story was very predictable - the good conquers the evil but I think I would be very disappointed if it was otherwise. By the way, go to the and watch season 13th episode about Avatar - it's hilarious! ^-^
It was funny!! "Smurf-killer"!
You found it!!! That was quick!!! Yeah an episode about smurfs! ^-^ Since youre watching, check out the episode about Facebook - season 14, the title is something like "Stan has 0 friends"..It's sooo funny!
To tell the truth last time I watched SouthPark in Russian on MTV in Russian translation - it is first time i watched in english - so damn funny! :)
You have to watch in English - in Russian it is not as funny! ^-^ Not every episode is good but if you are interested I can give you a list of really good ones! ^-^ You can watch all of them for free on their official website! ^-^
Yeeei! Thank u! I started to watch random episodes but sure there are also "classic" south park ones! :)
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