Classic of horror films, directed by Stanley Kubrick (original story by Stephen King) with great Jack Nicholson as main hero. Stephen King was one of my favourite authors - first I read his novel at about 13-14 years old and it impressed me so much - I used to switch off lights in the room and read his books in the light of only one stand lamp - just to create atmosphere of "fear"..
Stephen Kings novels usually have "happy end", such kind of "happy end horrors".. Liters of blood, dead men, ghosts and other crap, but main heroes usually escape from all of this in the end- so you always feel some kind of relief after reading..
Film is amazing - all classical stuff you can see in all these Hollywood horrors now - empty hotel, twin girls with words "Come on , play with us!" appearing in front of little boy in corridor, ghosts who live in their parallel world and interfere, housefather who eventually drives mad and ends up hunting his family with chopper...
Nicholson has such amazing face of mad man (in other films either) that you feel fear just looking at him, even if he doesn't do or say anything...
Actress playing his wife in the film seems so damn silly, that if it were me I would still chop her..
And I think the scene when river of blood overflowing hotel corridor in slow-motion is one of the best scenes in modern horror films

You made me wanna watch that movie although I'm pretty sure it's going to hunt me for many months to come.. But It's classics so I think I have to watch it. It's been featured in many many other movies too. ^-^
Yes...when I read all these "Nanny diaries" or other easy-reading stuff,there are so many references to all these classical movies...
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